Thursday, August 01, 2013


Well-trained staff plays a vital role in carrying out the day-to-day activities in any institution. 

A 3-Day Summer Refresher Course for support staff of all branches of Modernage was held at Yousafi Auditorium from 25th to 27th July. Day one began with a session on the topic “Our Statement of Values” conducted by Ms Shumaila Raheem followed by a session on “Polite Behaviour” by Ms Farhat Khalid. Both the resource persons were from the Girls College of Modernage. They delivered interactive lectures followed by question answer session which they handled logically and confidently. 

On the day two, there was an interesting but a very informative session by our Co-Principal Ms Sumeera Wahid about “Being an Effective Team Member”. First the participants were divided in different teams and then there were amazing game competitions among them. Though the participants took it as entertainment and enjoyed it but at the end of the competitions, Ms Sumeera Wahid concluded the session on a lesson that a team could deliver well as compared to those dispersed persons who worked individually. She also told the famous story of a hare and tortoise but with a different ending in which both the animals become friends and support each other to achieve their goal. The staff was inspired by the way she explained things. The second session for day two was “Our Roles in Modernage” facilitated by Mr Naveed Khan, Secretary Boys College. He had a lengthy discussion on the topic and said that we must all be aware of our job descriptions to perform optimally. 

The last day of the workshop also had two sessions. In the first one Mr. Fazal-ur-Rehman exchanged his views about “Halaal and Haraam” and advised the participants to be punctual and sincere to their duty. He said earning money through illegal ways was Haraam according to the teachings of our Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH). Mr. Fazal-ur-Rehman described the responsibilities of the staff members in the light of Hadees. In the second session, Mr Qari Munir discussed the topic of “Personal and Environmental Hygiene” with the participants. The three-day workshop ended with a positive note. 

In the concluding ceremony, Ms Sumeera Wahid distributed workshop souvenirs among the participants. This had been a very fruitful workshop for the supporting staff of the college. They looked determined to do practically what they learnt in three days of their training.

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